The best classic novels of all time

The art of story-telling is something that has no replacement and whether it be the modern society or the earlier civilizations, the narrators and storytellers have entertained our people for ages. This also has been quite useful in understanding the histories and societal issues of a certain time, and even the political dangers that society faces. Many of these books have been adapted in the movies that have gained them quite impressive and overwhelming viewership. To kill a Mockingbird: The title is well-known not just to the literary crowd, but to people in general and a common novel taught in schools. Published by Harper Lee in 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird has won the Pulitzer Prize. The book has been inspired by Lee’s personal life and the experiences that she had to endure. Even though the book does deal with serious issues and has its gory characteristics, there is a lot of humor in it. Animal Farm: George Orwell is a must-read and when it comes to Animal farm, there ...